Saturday, February 16, 2008

Just stopped by to check in on everyone...Michelle, I am so super excited for you!!! You and Nick deserve this so much! In other news, life is still great! I couldn't be happier, or ask for a better woman...She is absolutely amazing! Valentines day was the best ever, trully memories to last a life time! HOpe everyone else is doing well...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Just wanted to report, that things are still amazing! We had a blast for Mardi Gras!! The most fun I have had in years! I am enclosing an updated pic of myself, with new hair color! And a couple of the kids from the fair for Mardi Gras..Also, I am getting a new car today! I am super excited, I was currently driving a 98 honda civic coupe 5 speed, and I went totally upgraded to a 2008 chevy silverado, loaded down! I will post pics of it tomorrow! I am still thinking and praying for all of you of course. Michelle, I am dying waiting to hear some news from you...