Monday, July 9, 2007

10 DPO

Finally, we are at 10 DPO, we are moving right along, only a few more days to see the truth, will this month be a bust or did the HSG help and improve fertility???? I have not had any symptons at all, nothing that would signal me to think, hey you are pregnant. I also have to signals of AF either, but that has happened before as well. The new job has really helped me through this TWW, I have barely thought about and not stressed about it! I will prolly POAS in the AM just cause my OCD is starting to kick in and I need to pee on something!

On to other news, well just to let yall know, I am or was deathly afraid of boats unless its like a ferry! Well I faced my fear yesterday and went out in my brother in laws bass boat, I was good until he started going fast and cut a really sharp curve, he reassured me that i was not going to fly out of the boat and die, I eventually loosened up, and I had a really great time! I also caught a fish, not a keeper of course but I just have to say myself and B-i-l girlfriend was the only ones that caught at all!!!! So now that one fear has been faced I feel really good about it and will be going back!!


Michelle said...

Any news yet?

Unknown said...

Just checking on you guys!