Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Our swimmers have arrived!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited, our swimmers arrived yesterday right on schedule. Now i am just waiting for my surge, which should hopefully be today!!! Last month I surged on CD14 and Oed on CD15. I still have such a strong and positive feeling about this month, it just feels like things are different. I guess we will see in about two weeks from now. We are leaving to go on vacation on July 13. We are goin to the beach and I cant wait, we are leaving the day after test day, so it will either be a really good weekend or a sad one, either way we will try to make the best of it for Braylon! Speaking of him as soon as I can figure out how to make my videos work on here, I will post one of last day at swimming lessons, he did fantastic!! I am so proud.

So, we went to pride in HOuston this past weekend, and lets just say it was my first and probably my last. It was just not what I thought it would be. I went to pride weekend at Pensecola a few years back and had a blast, but this crap in Houston was awful! We went with a bunch of our friends to a club called Chances and do you know they was charging 20 just to get in. That my be typical for some clubs, but come on we are use to our clubs charging at the most 5 bucks to get in. IT was ridiculous and the service was awful, you had to wait forever to get a drink, you would think that on such a big weekend you would add a few extra bartenders! I have a few pics that I will post later on!

1 comment:

TK said...

Some places do just have better Prides! Portland Pride was always awesome, so I thought Chicago must have a great one too- wrong. (The year we went anyway, sucked.) Good luck w/your tww. Tara