Tuesday, August 7, 2007

August 7,2007

Taking an extended break. Yep thats what we are doin. I am really wore out with all the TTC. I really feel like its ripping me and Dp's relationship apart. We are fighting constantly about anything and everything....Every aspect of our lives is sucking right now, and I can only chalk it up to TTC. I get so aggravated and frustrated every month and so does she and we take it out on each other. We dont know what else to do. I just feel like everyother word out of her mouth has to do with TTC! And it makes me so angry!!!! I am at a loss of what to do!


The Milk Maid said...

I have been there and done that sweetie! A break was the only thing that kept my marriage together. Take some time- a baby will be waiting for you when you get back. :D Aradia from NW

S AND C said...

I know TTC is so hard on a relationship. Take lots of time off if needed and good luck!