Thursday, March 29, 2007

AI complete and Yes Flowers are My New Crack!!!

So we completed our AI yesterday, We did it at 1p.m. thats about 25 hours past the really dark OPK.. I feel pretty good about it, I had some pretty intense O pain last night between 7-8, after that was over my cm started to dry up, so hopefully we nailed it.. Crazy it was our 7th AI and we were fumbling around like it was a first!!!But we got it done!!

So yeah in a previous blog, I was saying how we have been planting a ton of flowers, and the more I do the I want!!Its trully my new CRACK, I am officially addicted to my flowers, so anyway, my bestfriend got me this really pretty birdbath, but its pretty short and it looks crazy just sitting in my yard all by its self, so I got the bright idea to make a circular flower bed around it and make it the focal point and raise it up with flowers all around it, so we went last night and got all the stuff, I got some beautiful, lilies of the nile, yellow calla lillies, and some petunias..SO that is my project for today..I am enclosing pictures of before, cant wait to see the end result!!!!

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