Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Not much happening here in South Louisiana...The weather stinks..Literally..They are cutting and buring sugarcane, and it smells awful, and im not sure how much more my sinuses can take..I have been sneezing and blowing for nearly two months..Now my little one is sneezing and blowing...It sucks. The weather is HOT! I mean we are a week away from Thanksgiving and we are still in the mid 80's..It is crazy..We had a few days of chilliness a couple of weeks ago...But for teh last couple of weeks, it has been hot and dry..No rain I am still having to water my outside plants in November and we still have green grass. Its so weird. I can't wait till this weekend. We are finally get in the attic and take down all the christmas stuff..We are planning to get the outside done this weekend and the inside next weekend after Thanksgiving...

It is little mans birthday next Sunday. He is so excited about turning 5. In mommy time that is a mile stone of course. We are having a party for him at home with all his little friends..Mommy will be having sad time of course trying to smile and laugh all day as my little heart aches as he just keeps growing and growing...Oh and did I mention we have reached the stage where he dont want to kiss me when I drop him off at school..He tells me he doesnt have time..WTF I mean I thought that I had a few more years before that would start happening..I mean when he turns 6 I will have to drop him down the road from school. I swear it feels like just yesterday I was delivering him..Just makes me want another baby so much worse. They grow way to fast.

So hopefully we will be back on board to start TTC in January..I can hardly wait and I am really praying that the long break will pay off with a quick BFP. TTC is really torture for me. As im sure it is for everyone else. I know that it will happen and I have expected that it is not really somehting I can control, it will happen when the time is right.


twondra said...

Happy birthday to the little guy! I can't believe he doesn't want to kiss sad. :( They grow up waaaay too fast.

Michelle said...

Hey, sorry its taken me so long to catch up. I get most of my crock pot recipies online. Here are some of the is my favorite.,1-11,crock_pot,FF.html

I just google recipies most of the time.