Thursday, May 24, 2007

HSG- Results!

Well, I am happy to report that my test was nothing like I expected, I was waiting for it to be really painful and unbearable, but it was so far from that. I honestly did not feel much of anything except a little pressure. Both of my tubes were blocked, the radiologist said it was prolly some old mucous or blood, the unclogging was a little uncomfortable but only lasted a few seconds, then it was over it tood maybe all of 5 minutes. So my tubes are free and clear. It was such a relief when they gave me the results, I was actually happy that something was wrong cause at least I know why I was not getting pregnant, I began crying while still laying on the table. Ironically, the nurse I had was 11 weeks pregnant so I am taking that as a good sign. She also had a miscarriage in early feb, and got pregnant again the very next month!! So we will start this baby makin journey again next month!!!!


SJayneI said...

Great news about your HSG. I know what you mean about them finding something they can fix. It's really a relief. Good luck with your fresh start.

Cheryl said...

I am glad that it went well for you :)